Home / News / British Gas gives heat pump warmth guarantee

British Gas gives heat pump warmth guarantee

Jul 29, 2023Jul 29, 2023

British Gas is addressing a key barrier to heat pump uptake, with its new Warm Home Promise, guaranteeing customers their money back if a heat pump does not warm their home as effectively as a traditional gas boiler. The new promise, which launches today, has been created to offer reassurance for those that may be hesitant about making the switch to a heat pump.

The new heat pump offer includes:

"We recognise that the transition from a boiler to a heat pump can be daunting and want to reassure our customers that they can effectively heat their home, even through the coldest spells in Winter."

Andrew Middleton, Managing Director, British Gas Zero

With the largest engineering workforce in the country, British Gas is uniquely positioned to guide and equip customers at every stage of their heat pump journey. Their trusted engineers can do a full survey on your home to advise whether a heat pump will be suitable, whilst also offering alternative greener heating solutions in homes where they may not be suitable.

Along with its lowest price guarantee, the company hopes that the new promise will help to further accelerate heat pump uptake in the UK and encourage people to make the switch and lower their emissions. Heat pump technology can save 1 tonne of carbon emitted per year per household. British Gas has installed more heat pumps than any other company and has committed to training 3,500 engineers in green skills.

Andrew Middleton, Managing Director, British Gas Zero commented: "Heat pumps are an important part of helping the UK lower its home emissions to reach our net zero targets so we are doing all we can to increase take up. We recognise that the transition from a boiler to a heat pump can be daunting and want to reassure our customers that they can effectively heat their home, even through the coldest spells in Winter. Our engineers are ready to guide consumers through this process and we are making sure they are as affordable and accessible as possible.

"For the right home, heat pumps are a highly efficient and effective heating solution being typically 350% efficient compared to the best boilers at 90 – 95%. At British Gas we will only install a heat pump if it will work as well as a traditional boiler. And if for any reason a customer's heat pump is not heating their home as expected, we’ll guarantee them their money back."

For more information about the Warm Home Promise and to find out if your home is eligible for a heat pump, please visit: Discover our eco-friendly air source heat pumps - British Gas

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