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Heat pumps: a user survey

Apr 21, 2023Apr 21, 2023







Most people live in homes that burn gas or other fossil fuels to provide heat and hot water. To reach net zero emissions by 2050, we have to switch to greener heating. Heat pumps, which run on electricity that comes increasingly from renewable sources such as wind and solar, will help us get there.

At the moment, most people are unfamiliar with heat pumps and very few (less than 1%) use heat pumps to heat their homes. This means that little is known about the first-hand experiences of owning a heat pump.

We worked with Eunomia to conduct a survey of heat pump owners to learn more about household experiences of using a heat pump and how those experiences compared to fossil fuel-based heating systems. This will help us improve uptake of heat pumps by better understanding the things people like about heat pumps and the things they feel could be improved.

User survey report – a data story

The heat pump survey paints a positive picture for the future of heat pump adoption, showing that the majority of users are satisfied with their system. It also highlighted some improvements that could make heat pumps even more attractive, including:

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